Welcome to the new website for Youth E.D.G.E. Indy, the youth ministry of Colonial Hills Baptist Church. My name is Pastor Chad, and I am beyond excited to have the opportunity to minister to the teens in and around the Indianapolis area. The goal of Youth E.D.G.E. Indy, as our slogan states, is to "Prepare Teens for Life and Eternity" through Evangelism, Discipleship, Growth, and Encouragement. This critical task is accomplished through a gospel-centered, Christ-focused philosophy of ministry that seeks to equip teens with a vision for Great-Commission living. There are at least three important pillars that we will rely upon in order to accomplish this goal. 1. Intentionally and fervently worshiping Jesus: We believe that as redeemed sinners, every area of our lives should be committed to worship. Romans 12:1 explains that as a result of our adoption into the family of Christ, we must present our lives as a living sacrifice, which is our "spiritual worship." This means that every area of our lives should glorify God, and that we must continuously worship Him with every fiber of our being. Specific to Youth E.D.G.E. Indy, we will commit to worship when we gather together on Sundays and Wednesdays by singing songs that are doctrinally-sound, and that bring our attention to that sacrifice that Christ made for us, which is the ultimate motivation for worship. Simply put, we worship Jesus because we must! 2. Accurately teaching and applying the Word of God: II Timothy 3:16 teaches us that all of Scripture is literally "God-breathed," and that it is useful for "doctrine (teaching), reproof (rebuking), correction, instruction (or training) in righteousness." This means that the Word of God is sufficient to inform every area of our lives. In fact, Scripture is God's direct communication to us! Since the Word of God is all that we have in order to inform us how to live our Christian lives, we must spend significant amounts of time studying its' truths and learning how it teaches us to live. We will do this by studying the Bible every Sunday Morning in an expositional (verse by verse) manner, and applying it to our lives so that we can learn to grow to be more like Jesus Christ. When we meet on Wednesday nights, we'll take a more topical approach to the Scriptures by studying practical areas of teenage living where we can learn to better glorify God. 3. Joyfully living in community with each other: When we talk about living in "community," we are referring to the responsibility that every Christian has to love each other (John 13:34-35), and to be unified by sharing in Christian experiencing with each other (Phil. 2:4; Rom: 10:9-10). Whether we like it or not, we're stuck with each other! Youth E.D.G.E. Indy seeks to unify the body of Christ (specifically the teenagers in Indianapolis), by providing activities that are fun, exciting chances for Christ-focused social interaction. It's not all serious around here. We want to have a blast when we get together on Sundays, Wednesdays, and for activities, and we want you to join us! You can check out our Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail me by selecting the "Connect with Us" tab above. |